Your Business Is Reflection of Inner Self
Your inner chaos is the reason you're broke.

You know that moment when you realize something so obvious it makes you want to punch yourself? Yeah, I just had one of those.
Here's the thing – and stick with me here because this might hurt a little – your business isn't failing because of your marketing strategy or your pricing or whatever other excuse you're telling yourself. It's failing because of how you're leading yourself in your private life.
Hang on. Let me unpack this before you close this tab thinking "Oh great, another mindset bro preaching about success."
The Self-Leadership Mindf*ck
I've been on both sides of this equation. Freelancer, contractor, employee, CEO – the whole freaking spectrum. And you know what I noticed? Every single time my business went to shit, it wasn't because of market conditions or competition or whatever. It was because I was lying to myself about something.
Think about it for a second.
You promise yourself you'll wake up at 6 AM to work on that important project. You don't.
You swear you'll stop taking on low-paying clients. You don't.
You commit to finally building that content calendar. You... well, you get the picture.
The Subconscious Bullshit Detector
Here's where it gets really interesting – and kind of terrifying. People can smell your bullshit. No, seriously. They can feel it through:
- Your emails
- Your sales calls
- Your Twitter posts
- Even the way you write your proposals
"But I'm really good at faking confidence!" you say.
Are you though?
Because here's what I learned the hard way –
the self is always coming through.
The Pattern Recognition Game
It's not just one thing. It's never just one thing. It's a whole pattern of how you talk, what you promise, whether you deliver
It's the subtle shit you don't even notice, but other people do. Subconsciously.
And guess what? Your clients, your team, your market – they're picking up on all of it. Not consciously maybe, but on some gut level, they know.
The Variable Nature of Confidence
Look, I'm not saying you need to be some unwavering beacon of confidence 24/7. That's bullshit too. Some days you're on fire, crushing every call, delivering value left and right. Other days? You can barely get out of bed and end up breaking every promise you made to yourself.
And that's... actually okay. Because here's the real mind-bender:
True confidence isn't about being perfect. It's about being honest with yourself about your imperfections.
The Mirror Effect
Want to know how your business is really doing? Look at how you're treating yourself:
- Skip workouts you promised yourself? Watch your delivery dates slip
- Break your own diet rules? Watch your pricing boundaries crumble
- Lie to yourself about your capabilities? Watch your client relationships deteriorate
The Way Forward
So what the hell do we do with all this? A few things:
- Start keeping the small promises to yourself
- If you say you'll to to the gym, fucking go to the gym
- If you set a boundary, keep it
- If you commit to a deadline, hit it
- Be brutally honest about your capabilities
- Can you really deliver in two weeks?
- Are you actually worth that rate?
- Do you really know how to do what you're promising?
- Watch your patterns
- Notice when you're bullshitting yourself
- Pay attention to when you're strongest
- Track your follow-through
The Bottom Line
Your business isn't separate from you. It's not some entity that exists in a vacuum. It's a direct reflection of how you lead yourself.
And here's the part that might sting: If your business is struggling, it's probably because you're struggling with yourself first.
But hey – at least now you know what to fix.
P.S. Wrote this in one go, stream of consciousness style. Could I have edited it more? Sure. But sometimes the raw truth needs to come through unfiltered. Right?